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We see in every Individual his uniqueness: his different, beautiful and special way of looking at and being in the world."

 Who we are

"The Group of Equals " is an Israeli NPO that provides an emotional, social & occupational support within community  to adults (21+) living with moderate to severe Autism. 
The association works to promote  and the development of innovative and quality services, which will allow adults with medium-low functioning autism to integrate to the best of their ability in society and the community through a model that places the person with autism at the center and provides a personalized tailored program to their needs and desires in employment, .leisure and housing


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Outdoor Active Weekends

Once a month the members of the peer group go for a magical weekend where they sleep, travel and have fun with a quality group of staff, young volunteers and autistics.

Afikim Club

Our club operates five days a week and consists of classes, a rich and varied leisure activity

Michllol - Occupational and Learning day center

A complex as it is, a human complex, a complex of experiences, a complex of adventures. A unique day center

Get to know us

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